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Burgundy, Beaune 1er Cru, Red, Rising Stars, To drink

Domaine Parent Beaune 1er Cru Les Epenottes 2019
Beaune 1er Cru
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- Only 12 bottle(s) remaining at this price
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Domaine Parent Beaune 1er Cru Les Epenottes 2019
The critics (you will tell us if you agree)
"This wine has an intense and bright colour. The nose is very expressive and elegant at the same time. Beaune 1er cru "Les Epenottes" 2019 embodies a wine that is unparalleled in combining finesse and intensity."

Wine Purchasing & wine operations Associate
By Wine Decider
the DomainDomaine Parent

Pinot Noir 80%
Chardonnay 20%