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France, Vin de France, Red, Rising Stars


Domaine Pierre-Jean Villa Vin de France Gamine 2020Domaine Pierre-Jean Villa Vin de France Gamine 2020

Domaine Pierre-Jean Villa Vin de France Gamine 2020

Vin de France

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Domaine Pierre-Jean Villa Vin de France Gamine 2020Domaine Pierre-Jean Villa Vin de France Gamine 2020

Domaine Pierre-Jean Villa Vin de France Gamine 2020

The property that is offered to your palate.

Wine lover, Pierre-Jean Villa participates to harvest, visited exceptional caves, tasted wines and followed his way. It is only in 2009 that he created his own domain of 3 ha in the heart of the Rhône and starts a new life as an independent winemaker. Year after year the domain extended to reach 14 ...

Découvrir Domaine Pierre-Jean Villa

the DomainDomaine Pierre-Jean Villa

Domaine Pierre-Jean Villa

A great wine must know when to come out of its reserve.

The estate in a few verses

  • Shiraz 72%

  • Viognier 20%

  • Roussanne 8%