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Rhône Valley, Côte-Rôtie, Red, Famous Seconds, To drink

Domaine Jean-Michel Gérin Côte-Rôtie La Viallière 2016
Rhône Valley,
- Only 7 bottle(s) remaining at this price
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Domaine Jean-Michel Gérin Côte-Rôtie La Viallière 2016
The critics (you will tell us if you agree)
"Jean-Michel Gérin began his Herculean task of planting the La Viaillère lieu-dit in 2003. This colossal work has included building steep terraces on sheer slopes, breaking up the granite soil to allow the vines to lay their roots, and planting. And nature has given its thank..."

Wine Purchasing & wine operations Associate
By Wine Decider
By Robert Parker / Wine Advocate
By James Suckling